
The Abolishment of Money - the only road to the salvation of the HUMAN KIND

Dear contemporary!

How many people, not only in your country but meanwhile
all over the world, - easy to imagine in these plagued days - today would
want to see a social evolution of the global human community go that way
that one fine day we shall encounter, a parameter of the real dimension of these changes to come around over
time, job advertisements of a wholly new class to become a most common thing of the day, such as exemplified in the following sample:

"Hello out there?

Where you all lurking, all of you talentend and handy tell-&-work hand-in mates who would love to share with us this sleak top-notch and absolutely salary-free job site of ours within the professionally skilled construction sector?

All returns of our personality-engaging community commitments are 100% gratified with gratis procuring of all class-A consumer goods plus naturally all the prevailing gear & gadgets of the day at all shop-4-free markets which on top of all even offer passage ports to a variety of most popular raffle entries for meanwhile globally networked and televised show-down events which, sure thing, hold for all their smart & lucky winners, when another exciting public fun making will be over, FREE OWNERSHIP OF AN ALL-OUT ADMIRED TOP-OF-THE-DAY MODEL OF WHATEVER LUXURY ITEM YOU COULD POSSIBLY DREAM OF ...?" ? -

The above projection should be sufficient to convey the idea of the society model I want to promulgate:
Money is obviously the root of all evil, and only when the world will have overcome the need for its greed, only then will we finally be assured of happy days to stay with us for good in the future.
Weren't that only just befitting to happen in the lives of us humans born in such an outstanding body endowed with such refined inner workings that resembles in its subtle organic build-up the ethereal networking of the imperceivable lines of star light within the cosmos by its own materially engrossed design?

Why couldn't everyone of the most precious race of all life on Earth, be nourished well with no fail? For no one to die of hunger anymore.

For example, just because one head of a family was unluckier than his neighbour?? Once poorer than himself that one - until such time when that one had received a million-dollar allotment from a distant relative who suddenly got terminally ill - only then to remember his erstwhile best friend while a youth, the only one he'd now want to share his property with - but, alas, his wish having come too late for the one -...?.
That's exactly how crude this world of money is!!

Who but are we then, well-equipped with the lush resources of planet Earth, how could it be that yet many, many all over the world, these days more so than ever, can't get enough food to fill their ever hungry stomachs? Just for lack of the buying capacity!?

Mother Nature and her reproductive assimilations by virtue of sex amongst us humans as we find them inherent in ourselves as in the primeval parental conditioning rendered by Mother Nature to our most early ancestor, as most of us humans long to live as couples of two, to be caressed and touched, likewise hankers after the enlivening fondling by the bright hot Sun in her unfaltering continued rounds around the latter, and even at night their day time kissing is being reflected by the faint flirting with the Earth's face by the tender moon light's touch. These cosmic embraces by our Lord of Stars, our Great Ball of Fire, with his favorite Queen of Life, Earth our parenting ball, that hold together our loose female elements in ongoing pursuits for a centripetal hook-up and clasp-in, natural height to their mutual cosmo-physical attachment, has made life's atomic essences boil down into self-spinning globules, thereon to imbue most virulent bodies of refined matter with coming alive in well shapen organisms, more and more and ever more of vegetative, animal, and human life populating the world.

In the end, all of human life at best could well be united in one Divine attempt that were to be acquiring, - and this should be the serious goal of everyone sound thinking man interested in making most helpful political opinions today - a much needed new sense of practicality, at the onset of the start of a new round of ages to be counted on by all of humanity, at a time when we'll be working hand in hand together on all communicational and pragmatical levels voluntarily, for the good of individuals and communities. All of us then, among ourselves as well as in between all races and nations, we'll be then saying to each other that that had been the one and only really worthwhile, truly advancing step forward ever since the stone age - TO ABOLISH BLOODY MONEY - for only then we'll be able to turn off the effacing practice of making each other respond for ever to the stiff curtailing and slashing of the personal measures of values and material assets that naturally are but varying from individual to individual.

We shall repudiate the principles of rulership banked on strictly self-interested authority, we shall find replacement for that cruel slavemaster in the shape of money in lavishly sprouting voluntary dispositions and interests of self-fulfilment in the service for the common good; but this giant human advance can be made to happen only when now someone like you and me will start to adopt that line of thinking, who alongside more & more others will try to convince the world of setting up a golden age liberated from the terror of money by educating the new generation of the young and re-educating the elderly, always keeping in mind that the goal of all human evolution ought to be now in these troubled times none else but global panvoluntarism and to eventually have money totally abolished - wiped off from the face of the Earth - and consequently all financial transactions made redundant and a matter of a distant past in history books.

Up, up and away into a world where everything will be just for the taking and for the giving - truly straight from the heart. -

One heart and soul pounding for a soothened flow of the one life in our one beautiful world.

Thank you for your attention! Please think over what I deem so urgently necessary to make known also with you, dear contemporary.

With friendliest regards to the well-being of all of us

erovid lingkvin

signed by
against enslaving

Eine Welt so ganz ohne Geld

"Benefits Supervisor Awakening" für Menschen, die durch und durch Mensch sind und nicht mehr länger ums Goldene Kalb herumtanzen wollen

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Immer mehr sind fürs Geldabschaffen!

Ein Paradies auf Erden kann es geben

aber nur wenn es das Geld nicht mehr gibt. Packen wir's an, es wegzupacken!